Fri, 30 December 2011
On this episode we're missing Brian, who had a last-minute before-Christmas dinner thing. So We're joined by Brandon Isleib, better known as the Seedborn Muse over on the Muse Vessel! Of course, you'll be able to find him over on Gathering Magic on Tuesdays from now on, so maybe you should check that out too. But since we had a guest host, we decided to make a potpourri episode of random smaller topics that have come up recently. First off there's a quick discussion of the two cards Banned from Modern. Then we took a quick look at Avacyn Restored. We let Brandon cut loose on a topic we recently we recently talked about, keeping casual Magic casual. Then there was a discussion of creatures with Defender in multiplayer Magic. We finished up with a nice long discussion about the various mechanics in Future Sight and which of them were our favorites. That one was a good one. Big thanks to Brandon for joining us, we had a lot of fun with him! You guys should definitely go check out his Musings, along with the other two guys over on The Muse Vessel! Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode: |
Sun, 18 December 2011
Hey look, Bill's back! And since he's here, we begin this episode by talking all about the SCG Invitational we went to last week. We've got all kindsa stories and people and things. There are links to the two playmats we talked about a little further down. And you know you wanna see ;) Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode: |
Thu, 8 December 2011
This episode is a little out there. First off, we're missing Dirk because it's his anniversary. Because not just anyone can fill in for Dirk, we tracked down two old friends to help us out. First we got Bill, who is kurai_seraphim on the forums and a recent guest host. Then we tracked down Ben, who is Panahinuva on the forums, Twitter, and probably everywhere else. Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode: |
Sat, 3 December 2011
We're joined this episode by Tom, formerly of the MTG Radio podcast. He's always fun to have on the show, so hopefully you'll all enjoy it as much as we did. We start off with a fair amount of news - new Planechase, Faithless Looting, and the latest WOTC holiday card. Links to all those are right here: Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode: |