Thu, 25 December 2014
This week we're finishing up our series about the clans of Tarkir with a look at the Mardu and the Temur. Again, we're looking at what each clan is trying to do mechanically and examining how the colors and guilds that make up each clan help or hinder that goal. If you haven't, I recommend you listen to the last two episodes to hear how we handled the other three clans. That's only part of the episode though! The final thoughts this time took on a life of their own. The discussions range from the new Ninja Turtles and Hobbit movies to Final Fantasy games throughout the years to some Hearthstone (of course), we covered a lot of ground in nerd culture. Happy winter-holiday-of-your-choice to all of you listening! We appreciate you guys being with us!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 21 December 2014
We begin this episode with another insanely adorable Sam Quiz. After that there's a bit of discussion about the recent tournament rules change regarding revealing Morph creatures. Then we return to last week's topic, taking on the Jeskai and Sultai clans. We're looking at how each clan's constituent colors/guilds and their abilities work towards the overall goal of the clan. And since the Jeskai and Sultai are so incredibly different, this episode was a lot of fun!
Morph tournament rule change:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_351_-_Not_A_Single_Ruth_Was_Given.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00am EDT |
Fri, 12 December 2014
Yeah, we didn't really care that this was a big milestone episode. It's like we've done six other 50-episode increments! We started off this episode with a bit of news, then go into one of Brian's Magic Mad Libs! This one was pretty funny, so we hope you guys enjoy. All the links for the news are down below! From there, we dove into the main topic of the episode. You know, once we finally all got on the same page during the musical break. We're taking a deep look at the Abzan clan (not tribe!) of Tarkir. More specifically, we're looking at how the colors (and guilds) that make up the Abzan work with the Outlast mechanic. This is a pretty good mental exercise that allows us to look at the fundamentals and see how all the pieces fit together, which is pretty nice.
Kenny McCormick invited to the Pro Tour - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_350_-_We_Ignored_the_Milestone.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00am EDT |
Sun, 7 December 2014
Happy Dorksgiving everyone! Before Thanksgiving, Brian invited us all over to his house to have a big meal and some Magic. He also invited our good friend (and Monday Night Magic cohost) Bill Bloodworth (Squee) to join us. During all that time, we wanted to do a new installment of our Commander Shenanigans series, which we do whenever a new Commander product is released. To keep it from becoming an extra-long monstrosity of an episode, and since there were five monocolored decks, we decided to play a game of Star. If you don't know what that is, don't worry - we explained it in the show. Since the Dorksgiving portion of the show was not an extra-long monstrosity, it just didn't feel right. So we decided to put one of our Kickstarter backer rewards on here too! Two people took the "Send us a decklist and we'll play it" reward tier - Michael Serrahn and Rachel Franzen. Michael sent in a mono-white Avacyn, Angel of Hope equipment-based deck, and Rachel submitted her "hippy-dippy Trostani EDH deck". So Mike came over to Chewie's house and after a VERY long setup time (holy crap), we knocked out a few games as promised!
Follow Bill @SqueeGoblnNabob Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_349_-_Dorksgiving_Commander_Shenanigans.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT |
Sat, 22 November 2014
It's back! We haven't done one of these flavor-fights in a long time, so here's how it works:
Direct download: Episode_348_-_Virtua_Street_Combat_Legend_of_Immortal_Fist_Tournament.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Fri, 14 November 2014
It's our seventh birthday here on The Mana Pool! To celebrate, we're taking a look back at where things were way back when we started. How our personal lives were going, how Magic was looking, that sort of thing. We then take a look at where we are now and where we're going, both with life and Magic. It's a more personal episode, with less Magic than usual, but very much worth the listen. Also, Sam Quiz and Hearthstone included at no extra charge!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_347_-_The_Dorks_Then_and_Now.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT |
Wed, 12 November 2014
We're back at GP Las Vegas! As always, I’m asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you – the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I’m looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers the middle part of Day 2, which was Sunday. I was in a mad rush to make sure I found as many people as I could, and it shows. The episode kicks off with well-known MTG cosplayer Christine Sprankle and never slows down! I've got a few judges: Bryan Prillaman (just hours before he went L3), Cluze, John Alderfer, and the very intimidating Sheldon Menery. I talked to several members of the MTG community at large like Lauren Lee, Jonathan Richmond (Norbert!), Spencer Howland, and Jason Alt. I found a few more pros I hadn't bothered yet too: Willy Edel, James Searles, Reid Duke, and Andrew Cuneo. And finally, I ran into a couple masses of degenerates including but not limited to: Slick Jagger, Matty Studios, GingerItalian, Time_Elemental, Sup Stevie, and the incomparable Kevy Metal. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the last batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Sat, 8 November 2014
The dorks are talking history this time around - more specifically the history of all the legends and planeswalkers from the new Commander 2014 decks. Wonder who Titania and Freyalise are? Want to know what's up with Ob Nixilis and his many forms? Think way too much about Lorthos' deal? Well worry no more, as we've got all kinds of stuff to tell you! Except for Lorthos, there is no deal. Sorry. Not only are we talking Commander, but there's also a fair amount of other news that cropped up since the last time we recorded, so I hope everyone learns something this week!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_346_-_Or_Be_Doomed_to_Repeat_It.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Sun, 2 November 2014
This episode is all about the mechanic that caused many headaches back in the day and has recently started again - Morph! We're stepping back all the way to the Onslaught block to tell you about its origins, then jumping forward to Time Spiral to look at some of the insanity there, then moving on to the current take on Morph and what they've done to make it less painful for everyone involved. Of course we begin the episode with a very silly Sam Quiz, then we end on the first batch of Commander 2014 previews. Yay Commander things and stuff!
Commander 2014 Card Image Gallery:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Fri, 31 October 2014
We're back at GP Las Vegas! As always, I’m asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you – the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I’m looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers the end of Day 1 and the beginning of Day 2! My trusty digital recorder was perfectly timed, not running out of storage space until the end of the night on Saturday. This episode I snagged a lot of awesome people to interview, including some high-level judges (including former Judgecast host Sean Catanese), a YouTuber from Top and Go Productions, Pro Tour Historian and (sorta) podcaster Brian David-Marshall, Director of OP for WotC Helene Bergeot, and Magic entertainers Reuben Bresler and Nathan Holt! Of course I hit some big pro players too - LSV, Ben Stark, David Ochoa, and Shahar Shenhar! I'm pretty sure I left a few out, sorry about that. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the next batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Sat, 25 October 2014
Due to scheduling issues, we don't have a proper episode for you this week. But never fear, there's still something to listen to! Back in September, Chewie went to the tiltEXPO to do a couple panels. One of those panels was all about podcasting. If any of you have ever wanted to know what it takes to start your own show, there are three podcasters giving their advice right here! And don't worry, we'll be back with an actual episode next week!
Sean Ryan from Alpha Counter: Kelley Hightower from Mating Habits of the Modern Geek
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Bonus_Episode_-_Tilt_Podcasting_Panel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:48pm EDT |
Sat, 18 October 2014
In honor of Multiplayer Week over on the Magic site, we're joined this week by Serious Fun columnist Bruce Richard! Bruce spearheaded this week's awesome return of the Multiplayer Hall of Fame! And since anyone can just go to the articles and see the rankings, we got Bruce to go into far more detail about what the Hall actually IS, its origins, and the insane amount of work that went into bringing it back. There's also a bit of musing about possible changes in the far future and plenty of credit-sharing from Bruce.
Follow Bruce on Twitter: @manaburned
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_344_-_Meanwhile_At_the_Hall_of_Fame.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT |
Fri, 10 October 2014
We're back at GP Las Vegas! As always, I’m asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you – the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I’m looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers the third bit of Day 1, from the end of round 6 until round...8 or 9, I can't really tell. This time around I'm talking to listeners, high-level judges, Twitter people, and an angel that was walking around the building. I've also got the writer and one of the actors from Top Decking, a live-action series on YouTube that I recommend you watch. Oh, I talked to a few pro players too - Roberto Gonzalez, Alexander Hayne, Sam Black, and Melissa DeTora. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the next batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Fri, 10 October 2014
After falling into a time warp, the dorks are looking at all the stuff from Return to Ravnica and Magic 2014 that rotated out of Standard recently. All those cards that Chewie got sick of talking about on Monday Night Magic and the ones Mike and Brian got sick of seeing at Friday Night Magic. We've got the whole week covered! After that we're telling you all about the Khans Sealed PTQ we went to last weekend. A good time was had by all! Find out who did well and who did REALLY well!
Patrick Chapin's Gerry Thompson's article about Jeskai Ascendancy:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_343_-_Return_to_Farewell_to_Return_to_Ravnica.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00am EDT |
Fri, 3 October 2014
The dorks kick this episode off with some news and a few updates, just some things you might want to know. After that, we have a very personal listener question. We were asked a very simple question that revealed a lot about us: If we lived on Theros, which of the pantheon of gods would we be most devoted to? It led to a really good discussion. After that, it's on to a Story Circle! This one is at the same time topical, being wedge-based, and completely not topical, because we picked Karador, Ghost Chieftain from the first Commander product. The direction we took ended up being pretty cool, with one dork laying claim to it when all was said and done. We hope you enjoy!
Karador Story Circle: Banned & Restricted (non) Update -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 28 September 2014
It's Prerelease time again! You know what that means - Chewie and the dorks are heading out to play some Magic, and the digital recorder is coming with them! On this episode, follow Mike and Chewie as they check out Khans on Saturday at Lucky's Card Shop in Greensboro, then Brian joins them for Sunday to have a second go at the format! Find out which clans the dorks played as well as what lots of other dorks in the room were playing! Learn why Round Two is Chewie's least favorite round number ever! Marvel as Mike plays a supposedly crappy Sealed card to great effect! And listen as Brian tells you all about his midnight prerelease experience in one go!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_341_-_Khans_Prerelease_Field_Recordings.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Tue, 23 September 2014
I enjoyed asking people Three Questions at GP Pittsburgh so much that the listeners decided to chip in and send me to Vegas to do it again! As always, I’m asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you – the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I’m looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers the second bit of Day 1, from round 3 until round...5 or 6, I can't really tell. This time I'm talking to a variety of people from the Magic community, starting with Matt Jones, writer for Then there's a judge with seriously awesome hair, a Hall of Famer and a probable future one (Jensen and Turtenwald) and Josh Utter-Leyton and his crew. Also on this episode are commentator and podcaster Marshall Sutcliffe, current R&D intern and pro player Jackie Lee, the man behind CMDR Decks Uriah Oxford, everyone's favorite Twitter angel Heather Dawn, plus a handful of listeners as usual! Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the next batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Sat, 20 September 2014
This episode begins with another Sam Quiz, be warned! After that there are a few bits of news to talk about, then it's off to the full set of Khans of Tarkir! We jump around the Card Image Gallery picking out stuff that's cool, pointing out some seriously amazing art, and generally taking it all in. It's a fun episode and we hope you all enjoy! Commander B&R update:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_340_-_So_Much_Khansy_Goodness.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT |
Tue, 16 September 2014
I enjoyed asking people Three Questions at GP Pittsburgh so much that the listeners decided to chip in and send me to Vegas to do it again! As always, I’m asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you – the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I’m looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers the very first part of Saturday at GP Vegas. I played a round then walked around and talked to a bunch of people. Then I played another round and talked to a bunch more people. That’s about it, I didn’t even have time to get hungry during the time this episode covers! I talked to The Lady Cluze, Will Blondon (formerly of Horde of Notions), Marcel and Corbin from Brainstorm Brewery, another lapsed podcaster from Scrubland, another pair of casters from Planeswalker Asylum, and even one of the former owners of MTGCast! And that’s not even everyone on this episode! Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the next batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Sat, 13 September 2014
Be warned: this episode begins with another adorably cute Sam Quiz. Don't listen to the first 3 minutes if you have a particular allergy to things that are "totes adorbs". PREVIEWS! Khans previews are in full swing, and we're talking about them all! At least, everything on the Card Image Gallery the day we recorded plus the ones in the mothership articles that day. There's a ridiculous amount of cool stuff, including all the mana fixing you could ever want and lots of nifty rares. So yeah, that's what we're doing this week, so hope you guys enjoy!
Khans of Tarkir Card Image Gallery:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Fri, 5 September 2014
Since last week's Exiled! was something we really wanted to do right, we focused on it exclusively and ignored the insanely huge news that dropped that week. So this week we're making up for it by going extremely deep on the new way that Magic blocks will be done. And I mean it, we're leaving no stone unturned here. After that, we're telling you all about the different clans of Tarkir! We're hitting their mechanics, their color identities, their khans, and anything else we can think of! There were FAR too many preview cards to talk about this week, so we finish up by hitting the high notes and calling it done. It's a really long one (silence truncation knocked off, no kidding, 27 minutes!), but it's a really good one! Let us know what you think about the new Standard, the clans, and whatever else you can think of!
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie’s podcasting panel and more! –
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_338_-_Presumitably_All_the_Big_News.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:54am EDT |
Mon, 1 September 2014
Welcome to the series premiere of Exiled! on The Mana Pool. Conceived and hosted by our own Brian Baker, Exiled! may or may not...borrow...some ideas from the Food Network show Chooped! But surely not, because that doesn't happen anywhere ever. The idea is that the Judge gives the competitors three cards that they must use in their decks. The competitors can then choose a card that only they can use in their deck, potentially hamstringing their fellow deckbuilders. After a rushed 10 minute deckbuilding session, the decks are presented to the judge. He then determines which deck is the least impressive, and that deckbuilder leaves the competition and joins the judging team. There may or may not be additional rules in subsequent rounds. Be sure to let us know what you think, because we had a LOT of fun with this and would love to do this again if you are interested! And don't worry, we'll hit all the big news and stuff next week!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_337_-_Exiled_Series_Premiere.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT |
Thu, 21 August 2014
This episode begins with a surprise quiz from Brian's daughter Sam, which we all...failed. But it's great. D'awww. Of course, we had to talk about all the reveals from gamescom! New Khans cards and mechanics, plenty of nifty artwork, and a Commander 2014 card are all there for us to talk about. From there we went to the fully revealed Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning decklists and discussed for a while. After a short break, we decided to do a requested Story Circle. Never mind that it was requested a LONG time ago, that's not important right now. What is important, is that we're finally going to take on...The Hate Seed!
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie’s podcasting panel and more! –
Ulasht, the Hate Seed Story Circle -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_336_-_The_Sam_Quiz__The_Hate_Seed.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT |
Sat, 16 August 2014
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at card draw across the different colors of Magic. Card draw is a big and important thing in the game, so we're outlining how each color gets to do it. Or, in the case of white, doesn't do it. From card draw we move into the various forms of card selection, from Scry and Brainstorm to tutoring. It turns out this topic was pretty broad, and in fact it was probably a little too broad for the show. So after stumbling around for a while we decided to just call it. The final thoughts get a little deep on this one, but you should listen to them. They're important. And you should really consider reading Jack's article.
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie's podcasting panel and more! -
From the Vault: Annihilation revealed -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_335_-_Drawing_with_All_the_Colors.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:51pm EDT |
Fri, 8 August 2014
Just be glad I didn't name this episode ZOMG. First up, after a long hiatus we've got a new Magic Mad Lib from Brian! Yay! Look up The Brute by the way, it's really weird. Then we delve deep into our main topic - the Gods of Theros! Now that we've had a chance to play with them and see how they've done in the tournament world, we decided to revisit them. We're taking a look at what they do, how we like them, what you could do with them casually, their place in the Theros story, and their Greek pantheon equivalents. It's a lot of fun and it's very long, so we hope you enjoy! I had to actually do some editing this episode, so keep on eye on for the outtakes in the coming days!
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie's podcasting panel! - OH GOD WHY -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_334_-_Gods_Be_Praised_or_Not.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:19pm EDT |
Fri, 1 August 2014
This epic-length episode is brought to you by the San Diego Comic-Con MTG panel and by Modern PTQs. We had so much stuff to talk about that we had to recruit a guest to help us all out, and it's none other than the @Lansdellicious himself, Chris Lansdell. The former podcasting lady-of-the-night helps us cover all the ridiculous amount of information they hit us with at the MTG Panel at SDCC. Also, Mike and Brian tell you how they did in their Modern PTQ last weekend! Also, 3/3s for 3! Also, STICKERS! Check out Chris's stuff on ManaDeprived: All the SDCC MTG Panel news -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Wed, 30 July 2014
I enjoyed asking people Three Questions at GP Pittsburgh so much that the listeners decided to chip in and send me to Vegas to do it again! As always, I'm asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches my eye. The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff I do, is to entertain you - the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, I'm looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot. This episode covers Friday of GP Vegas. I stood in a line for a ridiculous amount of time, survived it, and started asking questions. I finally got to meet Jeremey Schofield face to face, which is good since he was the reason I made it to Vegas. Other highlights were the Voice of the Pro Tour Rich Hagon, everyone's favorite silent Canadian assassin KYT, and a couple of pro players you might know about, David Williams and The Great One himself, Bob Maher. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the next batch of Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Wed, 23 July 2014
The dorks are telling you all about resources! Magic is, at its cold dead heart, a game of resource management. The most basic source of those resources are lands. This episode, we're taking a look at lands as the fuel that makes the game go. We're sharing stories about particular lands, comparing Magic to other games, and going off-topic. Oh, there's also some news, of course. We're also going to tell you why land destruction is SUCH a pain and go over a few bits of news. There's also a very big announcement about a couple of last-minute additions to the Kickstarter! Listen quickly, it runs out Thursday morning at 10:30 Eastern!
The Mana Pool's Kickstarter is ALMOST DONE! Clash Packs: Follow Squanto on Twitter: @EcksellHS
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Wed, 16 July 2014
Of course this episode, the dorks that attended Prereleases are going to tell you how they did. That's a given at this point, don't you think? But we're throwing a curve at you this episode with the addition of an old friend. Squanto is back this episode! One of the founding members of The Mana Pool, Squanto has returned so you guys can get reacquainted with him before the livestream this weekend. More on that later. The real point of this episode is Black! We're talking all about the flavor, mechanics, and general awesomeness of Black as a color in Magic. Did you know that Black can justify almost anything in you either make them sacrifice some resource or make it a zombie? Apparently you can! You can learn all this and more this episode! In other news, WE DID IT! We broke the first goal of $10,000 on the Kickstarter! Not only did we break it, but we broke it WHILE RECORDING! So you guys get to hear me lose my mind in the middle of the show. So now that we're good, let's shoot for stretch goals! We're no longer pushing so that you'll get stuff, you're guaranteed stuff now! We're pushing to get everyone BETTER stuff! The more people pledge, the better everything gets for everyone! To help with the big push to the end, we're doing a livestream this weekend on Twitch! Join me (Chewie), Mike, Cluze from MNM and Card Advantage, Scott (roommate and webmaster) and Squanto (as producer) on Saturday starting at 10am Eastern time and going until we're sick of it. Join us for some Magic and lots of insanity!
The Mana Pool's Kickstarter:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_331_-_Squantos_Back_in_Black.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:12pm EDT |
Fri, 11 July 2014
It's Magic 2015! The full set! We've got lots of discussion about the nifty looking cards we haven't previously talked about. There are also some rules clarifications from last episode. We had a nice discussion about complexity or lack thereof, made fun of each other, and whatever else happens on preview episodes. Oh yeah, we brought Bill on too. You know, like we usually do for previews. He's @SqueeGoblnNabob on Twitter, and you should follow him.
Peter Mohrbacher's Kickstarter -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Mon, 7 July 2014
As it's preview season, there's really not much else going on. Magic 2015 looks...well you read the title already. The more I see, the more excited I get. We also spend the requisite amount of time complaining about the crappy new Magic website redesign. Because it's awful. And you guys know we're not ones to complain about change. And either I forgot to take notes or there was no point to doing so. Just in case, here are a few links.
M15 Promos -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 29 June 2014
Here we see the fabulous new Magic 2015 Designer collection. See how the fabulous non-Magic game designers turned their attentions to the intricacies of Magic design to create fabulous new cards. Okay, enough of that. M15 previews are here of course, and this episode we're starting with the Designer Cards, made by various designers of other games. They're all pretty cool. There are a few other cards to discuss, including a few that WE PREDICTED! Holy crap we are so good! Anyway, there are a few links to the Penny Arcade Watch Saga and an owl you DO NOT want to mess with. Hope everyone enjoys!
The Watch Saga:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_328_-_The_Magic_2015_Designer_Collection.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:10pm EDT |
Tue, 24 June 2014
Here it is everyone! I've been working on the super-secret project for over FIVE MONTHS now, and it's finally time to reveal it to the world! We're doing a Kickstarter to get capital to create all the merchandise we could ever want - sleeves and stickers with the TMP logo, t-shirts, and tokens and playmats with EXCELLENT new Jars art! If you want the full details, just click the link right down there! Thanks a lot to everyone for everything over these last 6 and a half years, I honestly hope that they were just the beginning!
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:39pm EDT |
Tue, 24 June 2014
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at death in Magic. Some of the planes we've visited over the years actually go into specifics about what happens when you die. Ravnica, Theros, and Innistrad, for example, paint a fairly clear picture of the afterlife. Most of the other planes mention it only casually or only bring it up as a way to justify reanimation spells. But we're taking a look at all of them, whether it makes any sense or not. We hope you enjoy the discussion, because it'll be the last one you get for a while since previews will start next episode!
Rob Pardo's Designer Card -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Mon, 16 June 2014
The dorks begin this episode by telling you all about how awesome Conspiracy draft is. And it is. Like a lot. Seriously, go do some Conspiracy drafting, it's SO much fun! But after that, we decided to do something silly. We've done it before with video games and again with television shows, so it's time we do it again. We're taking a look at movies and imagining what kinds of Magic cards we could get out of them. With everything from Wizard of Oz to the Princess Bride to slasher movies to action movies, we're covering a lot of stuff. And we're even staying away from most of the really obvious fantasy franchises like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and the like, just to make it more interesting. Let us know what we missed!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_326_-_At_the_Movies_with_The_Mana_Pool.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:31am EDT |
Mon, 9 June 2014
This episode begins with a short look at the rest of the Conspiracy Card Image Gallery, now that the full set is on there. And by short, I mean we went on for EVER and EVER because there's SO MUCH good stuff! No really, we had to put off what we were originally going to do this episode because we spent so long being Conspiratorial. That being said, we panicked slightly and decided to do a Story Circle with one of the new Conspiracy legends. We randomly picked one and took turns build a deck around it. If you'd like to follow along, the link to the accompanying post is right below! Conspiracy Card Image Gallery -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_325_-_Conspiring_on_a_Story_Circle.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm EDT |
Thu, 29 May 2014
This episode is all over the place. We didn't really have a central topic this week, so it's sort of a potpourri of nonsense. We had plenty of speculation about the next block, then Brian left for the night. Then there was lawsuit talk, which everyone should totally read. There's a Kickstarter for crazy custom deck boxes, jailbait songs, sweet Terese Nielsen lands, and plenty of Conspiracy cards to talk about. We hope you all enjoy the randomness!
Khans of Tarkir -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 18 May 2014
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at old cards. Not just because Vintage Masters is coming up soon on Magic Online, and not just because it's preview time YET AGAIN, but because a demon told us to. A listener known only to Chewie as Shadow Demon asked a simple, innocuous question a while back, and ever since then it's been on the table as a possible show idea. The question was (nearly) "What would Brainstorm have to cost to be printed now?" So we started there and went on to some of the other great old cards that are in Vintage Masters and those that aren't. We tried to put ourselves in R&D's shoes and figure out how to make these old cards fair by changing nothing but the casting cost. From there, we went on to some...less than powerful cards. In fact, we turned our attentions to some of the worst cards we could come up with. After all of that, it's time for some final thoughts. Network television, band-aid ripping, interruptions, and non-drunk expressions of affection are the key features, and we hope you all enjoy!
Modern Event Deck List -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_323_-_What_If_It_Cost_2_Less.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm EDT |
Sat, 10 May 2014
The dorks long for the days when we could just talk about something stupid for a whole episode, so we decided to just talk about something stupid for this whole episode. Mike decided that we should talk about the mighty centaurs, because Journey Into Nyx decided to give them a lord. It ended up being a Magic history lesson with centaurs as the thread running through the whole episode. Be sure to let us know if you enjoy it!
Changes to Electronic Devices Policy -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_322_-_A_Brief_History_of_Centaurs.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:31pm EDT |
Mon, 5 May 2014
The dorks tell you all about their Journey Into Nyx Prerelease experiences! Which of the dorks did well? Which of the dorks did multiple prereleases? Why is Chewie so bad at this game? These questions and more will be answered in this episode! Actually, not all of them will be answered. Sorry about that, but Chewie's just bad, there's no particular reason why. There's also a pretty fair amount of news, so there's that. Links for all that stuff are below.
Brago, King Eternal -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_321_-_The_Countdown_Not_Really.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:15am EDT |
Mon, 28 April 2014
We grabbed Bill, or Squee, or whatever (@SqueeGoblnNabob) to join us for the full run-through of Journey Into Nyx now that it's all out there for all to see. There was a bit of news too, the PAX East Magic Panel, some Conspiracy news, some Duels news, and lotsa other stuff. So...enjoy!
Journey Into Nyx Card Image Gallery -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_320_-_The_Full_Journey_Into_Nyx.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:06pm EDT |
Sun, 20 April 2014
It's still Journey Into Nyx preview season! That's pretty much it. You know the drill by now, there's really nothing much else going on. Except for the Designer Cards from Magic 2015. Those are pretty cool. I love that they're using nerd designers instead of nerd celebrities, you know? But seriously, have you seen the art for Riptide Chimera? Holy crap that thing is terrifying. Nightmare fuel for sure. There's also a nice little list of YouTube videos that came up during recording, they're listed below. Journey Into Nyx Card Image Gallery -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_319_-_The_Baddest_Chimera_Ever.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:37pm EDT |
Tue, 15 April 2014
It's been a while since we recorded, so we've got news! An article on Gathering Magic about Vorthos podcasts (we got an honorable mention!), new Duel Decks, and a new eBook are all on the docket, so do enjoy that. Then we get to the fun part, the first of the Journey Into Nyx previews! There's a god, there's all the mechanics (old and new), there's lots of crazy stuff, and there's a boat that screeches to a halt. Oh, and the credit card mask! Holy crap the credit card mask! GET ON THE BOAT! We finish up the episode with the announcement of the first video on The Mana Pool's YouTube channel! It's a new Whazzap! video, so go watch it and enjoy and subscribe, because there will be more stuff in the future! We also spend a good amount of time thanking a listener for a major out-of-the-blue donation. If you'd like to send us money...don't. Just trust me on this one. Hang onto it for a couple weeks, it'll be worth your time, I assure you.
- Our first YouTube video! -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_318_-_Get_On_the_Boat_JOU_Previews.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:41pm EDT |
Thu, 10 April 2014
So we're sure you've noticed that Episode 318 has yet to follow Episode 317. You are correct. Mike and Chewie hopped on to explain what happened. To make it up to you, we've included the outtakes from the recording of Episode 317's commercials. Some of these are pretty funny, so we hope you enjoy! The first video on The Mana Pool's YouTube channel is now up, you should go check it out! -
Check out our archive at |
Tue, 1 April 2014
On this very special episode of The Mana Pool, the dorks are finally opening up to all the big plans they've had in the works for many months now. From e-books to quantum computing apps and everything in between, we're revealing everything! This will also mark the first episode all our new sponsors are on board with some nice, unobtrusive commercials to help us pay for all these amazing plans. Oh, we also covered a few bits of news that we thought might be interesting. You can find the links right down there. See them? There you go. Thanks so much to all of you for sticking with us all this time and making this all happen! We wouldn't be here without any of you!
Clash Packs: How to Write an Article by MaRo:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Wed, 26 March 2014
Remember Commander Shenanigans 2? It was episode 303. Later that day, we recorded another episode. This is it. For some reason, when we record one live episode it records through the USB mic, which is why CS2 sounded good. When we record a second one, it defaults to the built-in laptop mic. That happened here, and we didn't catch it. This episode is a few days late because I decided to try to make it sound better, because it really sounded like crap. Sorry about that, but hopefully you'll think it was worth the wait. Since there were five of us (the usual four dorks and Brian's buddy Jon Raymer), we decided to play a game of Assassin, since it is easily one of Chewie's favorite game types ever. This episode is actually a really good way to learn that everyone plays the game differently, as evidenced by some of our reactions to the way Jon started the game (really Chewie was just irritiable at having his Titan killed). After the Assassin game, Dirk had to leave. The rest of us took advantage of having time left at the end of the first game to play a "lightning round". We all grabbed EDH decks that would lead to relatively quick games and played. It turns out it wasn't quite a "lightning" fast game, but it was still quicker than our usual games. Hope you guys enjoy!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_316_-_Live_from_Our_Secret_Undersea_Base.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:19pm EDT |
Mon, 17 March 2014
Chewie enjoyed asking people Three Questions at GP Charlotte so much that he decided to truck up to Pittsburgh and do it again! As always, Chewie’s asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches his eye.
The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff Chewie does, is to entertain you, the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, he’s looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot.
This episode covers Day 2 of GP Pittsburgh. I tracked down a few fellow podcasters (remember Scrubland?), some pros (Willy Edel and Owen Turtenwald, among others), some judges (like the guy with the bucket!), and generally just people who caught my attention (like the guy with the epic mustache).
Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be! And keep an eye out for the Three Questions from Grand Prix Vegas coming soon!
Your host: Chewie |
Sun, 16 March 2014
Following a week off to prepare for the insanity that was Grand Prix Richmond, here is the GP Richmond episode! It's just Chewie and Mike from the standard-issue dorks, so to help us out we brought on two special Richmond dorks! First up is our (very) old pal, Level 3 Judge, podcaster, and horrible person Bryan Prillaman! You might remember him from the Avant-Card Show back in the day or his current podcasting deal, JudgeCast. Our second guest dork is Corvin Powell, a LONG-TIME listener we met in Richmond. He was pretty awesome and he was playing a deck running Mike's favorite unplayed Modern-legal card. We spent the entire episode talking all about the insane event. We had Mike and Corvin talking about their Death Cloud decks. Prillaman explained how the logistics of such a crazy event work. Chewie and Mike told us all about the friends and listeners we met while we were there. We even took a few minutes to talk about the whole image gallery that has become known as CrackGate, so keep an ear out for that.
Mike's Death Tron deck:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_315_-_The_GP_Richmond_Episode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm EDT |
Fri, 7 March 2014
Chewie enjoyed asking people Three Questions at GP Charlotte so much that he decided to truck up to Pittsburgh and do it again! As always, Chewie’s asking Three Questions to anyone willing to answer them, whether they’re a listener, judge, pro player, innocent bystander, or just someone that catches his eye.
The real purpose of this show, like most of the stuff Chewie does, is to entertain you, the listener. Rather than asking the same old questions that everyone else does, he’s looking to give you a slightly more off-the-wall look into these Magic players and judges and what-have-you by catching them off guard and putting them on the spot.
This episode covers the end of Saturday of GP Pittsburgh. There are a lot of good answers on this one, holy crap. Because it was after round three, I tracked down a LOT of pros. We're talking pros like David Ochoa, Jackie Lee, Shahar Shenhar, Sam Black, Eric Froelich, LSV, Josh Utter-Leyton, Gaudenis Vidugiris, Tom Martel, Alex Hayne, Conley Woods, James Searles, Jon Stern, Melissa De Tora, and Ari Lax! And that's not even all of them, because I also bumped into two of the greatest strategy writers ever, Zvi Mowshowitz and Frank Karsten! There are also a few listeners, a former podcaster, and a high-level judge (Jared Sylva, he's so dreamy). I managed to grab two other names from the community - Planeswalker Nate Holt and alterer extraordinaire Eric Klug! This one is a great one, so never mind the fact that it's almost a year old, give it a listen!
Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your answers would be!
Your host: Chewie |
Sun, 2 March 2014
Hey look, we actually did the follow-up to last week's episode! Because this was a topic suggested by our friend JT (@NerdPop140), we brought him on this week to help us tell you all about it. But first, we have news! Anyone under 18 planning to attend Grand Prix Vienna needs to have written parental permission, so click the link below for all that information. WotC also released the full decklists for the upcoming Jace vs. Vraska Duel Decks, so we're gonna tell you all about that. They're mostly singleton decks, and we think that's pretty good. But on to the main topic at hand! Last week we told you all about the mental preparation for you to make the move from the kitchen table to the FNM or some other tournament scene. This time we're focusing on the deck itself. How do you come up with an idea for your first tournament deck? How do you go about acquiring the cards for said deck? And how do you tweak the deck to make sure it'll do the best it can? We'll discuss all of that and more on this episode! As always, if you guys have any other ideas for any of this, let us know! We hope this episode helps you out as much as possible! And for those of you that are already in the tourney scene, we hope you enjoy our hijinks!
GP Vienna important information -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_314_-_Kitchen_2_Tourney_The_Sequel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:03pm EDT |
Sun, 23 February 2014
On this episode, the dorks cover a few more bits of news. Last week we missed that some of the Conspiracy cards are going to not be legal in Vintage and Legacy, which sparks some discussion about why that could be. Hasbro is loving the Magic, because it's making them lots of money. Not only that, but they're gonna be making some Pop! vinyl figures and actual action figures of your favorite planeswalkers...and Nissa. For links to all of this, just look down a bit. But the meat of the episode comes from an idea from our old buddy JT. A very old idea. We're going to prepare you to move from the kitchen table to the tournament scene. We're not talking about cards or formats (at least not much), we're primarily talking about mental preparations. Because we're trying to cover everything it might sound a little intimidating, but it's really not. It's really hard to sum up all the different aspects we talked about on this episode, so you're just going to have to listen. It comes down to this: if you've been thinking about going to any sort of tournament, be it a prerelease, FNM, or a GP...then GO! Give it a shot, it'll be fine. Just listen to us first.
Hasbro announces Magic up 20% - This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_313_-_From_Kitchen_to_Tourney.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38pm EDT |
Sun, 16 February 2014
Warning: Chewie is sick. So he sounds a little different than usual, and he's muted a lot. The dorks bring lots of news this week! Since the last episode was a live one, we've got two weeks' worth of stuff to talk about! They revealed an Event Deck, announced a new From the Vault, and teased us with a bizarre coded webpage. Luckily, people much more motivated than us went ahead and decoded it, so we told you all about it. Of course by now the official decoded page is up, but that's to be expected, right? So once we finished up the news, the discussion on Vigenère ciphers, and a new Penny Arcade comic, we actually had stuff to talk about! Mike attended a Sealed tournament last weekend, so he's gotta tell you how he did there. Brian's working on a Standard Jund deck to take to an SCG Invitational Qualifier, so he's gonna tell us all about that. It sounds pretty sweet though, I must say. Links for all that stuff are below!
Born of the Gods Event Deck:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_312_-_Vigenere_Ciphers_and_Standard_Jund.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EDT |
Tue, 11 February 2014
It's the Born of the Gods Prerelease, so you know what that means! We took the recorder with us and recorded a bunch of stuff that happened! Listen as Chewie, Mike, and Brian let you know what happened after (almost) each round! We're joined by lots of guests, including our old friend Gabe! He's the one that taught Mike how to play a thousand years ago! There are also appearances from listeners and opponents like Sam, Craig, Chris, Pete, and Nate! If anyone got missed, we apologize wholeheartedly. Also, this one has something special included. For a long time now people have been asking for recordings of an actual Prerelease game. To show you all what a bad idea this is, Chewie recorded his 5th round against Jacob. It's completely unedited, so you guys get the full effect. Let us know how much that's not a good idea to do in the future!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_311_-_BotG_Prerelease_Field_Recordings.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:07am EDT |
Wed, 5 February 2014
In case you couldn't tell from the amazing title, the dorks are joined this week by our favorite Level 2 judge and Monday Night Magic cohost, Cluze! I can say that because Prillaman is a Level 3 now. Dr. Science comes on to help us take a look at the full Born of the Gods set before the prerelease. Yes I know it's after the prerelease now, but give me a break here. There's not much else to say, so everyone give it a listen and enjoy! Follow Cluze on Twitter: @lacluyze Born of the Gods Card Image Gallery: Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – |
Sun, 26 January 2014
In case you weren't aware, we're still knocking out those Born of the Gods previews. We recorded this the day the FAQ was accidentally put up, but we didn't actually do any of those cards. That would have been a really long show, and that's turrible. As has become tradition during preview season, we reached through the internet and snatched up our old buddy Bill Bloodworth (@SqueeGoblnNabob) to join in the fun. Then we all ate cake! Okay, we didn't eat cake. But it's still a good, cake-free, low-calorie episode! And blame Chewie for being whelmed. Born of the Gods Card Image Gallery: Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – |
Sun, 19 January 2014
On this episode, the dorks take on all the news and the first round of Born of the Gods spoilers! There's a serious amount of bizarre news, from coins to a movie to a high-priced Modern Event Deck announcement. News you can use? Probably not, but there's plenty enough news here! All the links are down below, so follow along if you want! After that, we have a super secret special guest! So secret that we didn't actually know about him until he was on the show! But out of nowhere we invited JT to join us for previews! You know him from our GP Charlotte episode and I'm pretty sure he was on another episode at some point. You've got a search bar on the site, if you wanna hear him again I'm sure you can find him. He's pretty awesome, and so are the new mechanics and some of the new cards from Born of the Gods! Everyone enjoy, then go follow JT on Twitter, he's @NerdPop140! MTG Collector Coins: Modern Event Deck: MTG Movie announcement: Nostalgia Critic's editorial "When is something so bad it's good?": Born of the Gods Card Image Gallery: Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – |
Tue, 14 January 2014
We had lots of news to cover since we hadn't recorded in two weeks. We took the holiday weeks off don't you know. There's the new planeswalker, the new card frame, and some other less impressive stuff. We'll give you our take on all of it, no matter how lame and/or insignificant. After that we're off to our wrap up of the Old vs. New series. Since we covered all the guilds, we decided to take a look at the other aspects of the two blocks. Mana rocks, lands, overall block structure, that sort of thing. It's actually a pretty good discussion, we hope you guys enjoy. That's about it for the wrap up, we're just shooting for a nice short episode to ease back into the podcasting gig. You know, to be a short episode, the file sure is pretty big. Huh. Proceed to Bane Alley, await further instructions. Kiora, the Crashing Wave - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – |