Mon, 28 May 2012
Being that this is a casual-centric Magic podcast, we don't venture much into the world of competitive sanctioned Magic. But when we do, we spend a LOT of time talking about it on the next show! That is this show. In case you haven't heard, Mike, Brian, and Chewie went to a Standard PTQ last week. Why might you have heard? Well, that would be because Chewie ended up making Top 8! Of course, we have to spend a good amount of time talking about that, because it's not something that happens every day, you know? Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_231_-_How_Many_Years_Has_It_Been.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:21am EDT |
Mon, 21 May 2012
In which we discuss what happened to Dirk, refute the notion that there's no such thing as a free lunch, explain why it's good that we didn't record the previous game, and play some Magic. No really!
Direct download: Episode_230_-_Commanders_and_Casuals_and_Hordes_Oh_My.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:46am EDT |
Mon, 14 May 2012
We begin by taking a quick look at the Avacyn Restored Event Decks, in all their glorious whatever-it-is. After that, we have a riveting discussion about what happens when you cast Eaten by Spiders on Avacyn. Another listener-inspired topic that we tackled is a simple one: What was the first card you ever really coveted? This leads us to all kinds of nostalgia and manages to infiltrate the main topic of the episode. |
Sun, 6 May 2012
Yeah, we just had 3 episodes of previews, so you know what that means - the Prerelease episode! Bill Bloodworth (you know, @SqueeGoblnNabob) joins us for this one, since he was the cause of the funniest thing any of us have seen at a Prerelease for a VERY long time. Brian talked about his experience, Bill told his story, and Mike and Chewie covered their two apiece. Definitely a lot of fun. So be sure to tune in to hear about the bitch scoop, slamming the door, How to Miracle (from Bill), How Not to Miracle (from Mike), Chewie Righteously Blowing things, and of course...GRISELBRAND!
Direct download: Episode_228_-_The_Helvault_Experience_Play_Boros.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:35pm EDT |