Thu, 21 August 2014
This episode begins with a surprise quiz from Brian's daughter Sam, which we all...failed. But it's great. D'awww. Of course, we had to talk about all the reveals from gamescom! New Khans cards and mechanics, plenty of nifty artwork, and a Commander 2014 card are all there for us to talk about. From there we went to the fully revealed Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning decklists and discussed for a while. After a short break, we decided to do a requested Story Circle. Never mind that it was requested a LONG time ago, that's not important right now. What is important, is that we're finally going to take on...The Hate Seed!
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie’s podcasting panel and more! –
Ulasht, the Hate Seed Story Circle -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_336_-_The_Sam_Quiz__The_Hate_Seed.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Sat, 16 August 2014
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at card draw across the different colors of Magic. Card draw is a big and important thing in the game, so we're outlining how each color gets to do it. Or, in the case of white, doesn't do it. From card draw we move into the various forms of card selection, from Scry and Brainstorm to tutoring. It turns out this topic was pretty broad, and in fact it was probably a little too broad for the show. So after stumbling around for a while we decided to just call it. The final thoughts get a little deep on this one, but you should listen to them. They're important. And you should really consider reading Jack's article.
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie's podcasting panel and more! -
From the Vault: Annihilation revealed -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_335_-_Drawing_with_All_the_Colors.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:51pm EST |
Fri, 8 August 2014
Just be glad I didn't name this episode ZOMG. First up, after a long hiatus we've got a new Magic Mad Lib from Brian! Yay! Look up The Brute by the way, it's really weird. Then we delve deep into our main topic - the Gods of Theros! Now that we've had a chance to play with them and see how they've done in the tournament world, we decided to revisit them. We're taking a look at what they do, how we like them, what you could do with them casually, their place in the Theros story, and their Greek pantheon equivalents. It's a lot of fun and it's very long, so we hope you enjoy! I had to actually do some editing this episode, so keep on eye on for the outtakes in the coming days!
Come to the tiltEXPO for Chewie's podcasting panel! - OH GOD WHY -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_334_-_Gods_Be_Praised_or_Not.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:19pm EST |
Fri, 1 August 2014
This epic-length episode is brought to you by the San Diego Comic-Con MTG panel and by Modern PTQs. We had so much stuff to talk about that we had to recruit a guest to help us all out, and it's none other than the @Lansdellicious himself, Chris Lansdell. The former podcasting lady-of-the-night helps us cover all the ridiculous amount of information they hit us with at the MTG Panel at SDCC. Also, Mike and Brian tell you how they did in their Modern PTQ last weekend! Also, 3/3s for 3! Also, STICKERS! Check out Chris's stuff on ManaDeprived: All the SDCC MTG Panel news -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |