Sun, 29 June 2014
Here we see the fabulous new Magic 2015 Designer collection. See how the fabulous non-Magic game designers turned their attentions to the intricacies of Magic design to create fabulous new cards. Okay, enough of that. M15 previews are here of course, and this episode we're starting with the Designer Cards, made by various designers of other games. They're all pretty cool. There are a few other cards to discuss, including a few that WE PREDICTED! Holy crap we are so good! Anyway, there are a few links to the Penny Arcade Watch Saga and an owl you DO NOT want to mess with. Hope everyone enjoys!
The Watch Saga:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_328_-_The_Magic_2015_Designer_Collection.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:10pm EST |
Tue, 24 June 2014
Here it is everyone! I've been working on the super-secret project for over FIVE MONTHS now, and it's finally time to reveal it to the world! We're doing a Kickstarter to get capital to create all the merchandise we could ever want - sleeves and stickers with the TMP logo, t-shirts, and tokens and playmats with EXCELLENT new Jars art! If you want the full details, just click the link right down there! Thanks a lot to everyone for everything over these last 6 and a half years, I honestly hope that they were just the beginning!
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:39pm EST |
Tue, 24 June 2014
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at death in Magic. Some of the planes we've visited over the years actually go into specifics about what happens when you die. Ravnica, Theros, and Innistrad, for example, paint a fairly clear picture of the afterlife. Most of the other planes mention it only casually or only bring it up as a way to justify reanimation spells. But we're taking a look at all of them, whether it makes any sense or not. We hope you enjoy the discussion, because it'll be the last one you get for a while since previews will start next episode!
Rob Pardo's Designer Card -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Mon, 16 June 2014
The dorks begin this episode by telling you all about how awesome Conspiracy draft is. And it is. Like a lot. Seriously, go do some Conspiracy drafting, it's SO much fun! But after that, we decided to do something silly. We've done it before with video games and again with television shows, so it's time we do it again. We're taking a look at movies and imagining what kinds of Magic cards we could get out of them. With everything from Wizard of Oz to the Princess Bride to slasher movies to action movies, we're covering a lot of stuff. And we're even staying away from most of the really obvious fantasy franchises like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and the like, just to make it more interesting. Let us know what we missed!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_326_-_At_the_Movies_with_The_Mana_Pool.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:31am EST |
Mon, 9 June 2014
This episode begins with a short look at the rest of the Conspiracy Card Image Gallery, now that the full set is on there. And by short, I mean we went on for EVER and EVER because there's SO MUCH good stuff! No really, we had to put off what we were originally going to do this episode because we spent so long being Conspiratorial. That being said, we panicked slightly and decided to do a Story Circle with one of the new Conspiracy legends. We randomly picked one and took turns build a deck around it. If you'd like to follow along, the link to the accompanying post is right below! Conspiracy Card Image Gallery -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_325_-_Conspiring_on_a_Story_Circle.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm EST |