Sat, 25 February 2012
We are joined this episode by none other than Laura Diemer and Bill Boulden, aka Laura by Spruke. You might know them from clips played right here on the show, or perhaps you bought their album, Katana & Tonic, on iTunes or one of the other digital music distribution services. If not, then maybe you should!
Direct download: Episode_218_-_Commander_Month_Leaving_a_Crater_with_Laura_by_Spruke.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:36pm EST |
Mon, 20 February 2012
As featured in Episode 216, here is the awesome new audio montage made for us by Daniel Beach (who was also a guest host on that one). He took an unfinished Sprukestep track from the upcoming Factor Friction album that Spruke posted up to SoundCloud and peppered in a lot of random Mana Pool goodness. He said he did it entirely in Audacity, which is pretty ridiculous for a free program. |
Fri, 17 February 2012
It finally happened! Yes, we finally remembered to grab none other than Jack Antonio Sabato De La Hoya Other Name Lacroix to guest host! And let me just tell you, this guy is a wealth of information. We talked briefly about the the latest SCG Open results, and Jack gave us some of his insight there. With his help, we also covered a wide variety of Commander topics, such as the importance of versatility, misconceptions about the format, proper threat density, the number of lands and mana rocks you should play, politics, and who knows what else. Well if you listen, you'll know what else!
Direct download: Episode_217_-_Commander_Month_You_Dont_Know_Jack.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:38pm EST |
Sun, 12 February 2012
Welcome to the first show of Commander Month here on The Mana Pool! We're kicking it off with one of our long time listeners and constant source of good ideas, Daniel Beach. If you enjoyed Episode 214, he was the inspiration behind having the ACS guys on again. If you didn't enjoy it...blame Beach for that.
Direct download: Episode_216_-_Commander_Month_A_Day_at_the_Beach.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:40pm EST |
Sun, 5 February 2012
Well, it's the week after the prerelease, so you know what that means, right? We've got to tell you all about how we did! Find out who did well, who didn't do well, and how the webmaster Scott did in his first tournament ever!
Direct download: Episode_215_-_DKA_Prerelease_and_Mailbag.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:28pm EST |