Fri, 27 May 2011
Even though we ran through over 30 emails in the last episode, we still have more! So we took another chunk out of the remaining emails. I really enjoy doing lots of listener mail, because it lets us talk about all kinds of things we wouldn't ordinarily talk about. For instance, an email gave me a perfect segue into discussing a new repacked product thing I got at Target!
Direct download: Episode_180_-_Headline_M12_Goes_Bloodthirsty_Dies.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:11pm EST |
Fri, 20 May 2011
It's that time again! We've left our listener emails for far too long, and now we've got to devote an entire episode to them! I was afraid this episode was going to end up kind of boring, but I was wrong. The great thing about going over a whole load of listener mail is that they lead us to all kinds of places. I'm talking everything from the Rapture to Standard to Cyndi Lauper to another take on a Magic RPG and all points in between. It's a heck of a trip, thanks to all of our emailers for leading us along! If you guys would like to email us in the future, we have a new email address! It's, please start sending your emails there!
Direct download: Episode_179_-_Listener_Appreciation_Sequel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:57pm EST |
Fri, 13 May 2011
We are joined this week by a very special guest, Adam Styborski. He writes the Serious Fun column for the mothership, he writes for GatheringMagic, he's the Casual Editor over at Quiet Speculation, and he writes a Pauper Cube blog. Here are the links!
Direct download: Episode_178_-_Serious_Fun_with_Adam_Styborski.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:06pm EST |
Fri, 6 May 2011
That's right, we've got a stupid amount of content for you on this episode of The Mana Pool! First off, Brian's unable to join us until later, so we have a special guest host - Tosus! You might remember him from the excellent custom cards posted on our Facebook page during our last big contest, or perhaps you remember that he's the guy who made the intro you hear on this episode. Either way, here he is joining us for an episode while he's in the USA.
Direct download: EPisode_177_-_Lots_of_Actual_Content.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:40pm EST |