Tue, 27 July 2010
Thu, 22 July 2010
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-138-pick-your-controversy-and-m11-t559.html
Direct download: Episode_138_-_Pick_Your_Controversy_and_M11.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00pm EST |
Wed, 14 July 2010
Hey there, all of you Mana Pool listeners! If you’re not a Mana Pool listener, you’re in the wrong place. Otherwise, hey! This is Brian. My rambling has spilled over onto the show notes, no longer content to take up 80% of the podcast air space.
Direct download: Episode_137_-_M11_and_Why_Chewie_is_on_Every_Show.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:25pm EST |
Thu, 8 July 2010
Chewie here again, this time with a deck I actually did something to. I've mentioned my multiplayer discard deck several times, whether it be in articles or on the show. It's one of my oldest deck ideas, and the basic tenets haven't changed since I first came up with the idea. But before I go into any sort of detail, here's the list (complete with made-up impressive sounding deck name that's never been used before):
Creatures (19) Noncreatures (23)
But I'm not JUST out to win with massive discard all at once. Lore Broker gives me the chance to inflict some serious chip damage, as does Words of Waste. The Abyssal Nocturnus gets seriously big really quickly, and he gets evasion to punch through. Nihilith is another big guy who comes out pretty quickly and can evade his way into someone's face. The Screeching Buzzard is primarily a deterrent to keep people from swinging at me, which actually works better than you might think. And finally, some assorted other. Creeping Tar Pits are great for sneaking in the last few points of damage when my Megrim gets destroyed. Solemn Simulacrum helps smooth out some draws and can profitably chump block if necessary. Debtor's Knell and Oversold Cemetery let me reuse the few creatures I have. Evacuation functions as both a panic button to save my ass and a way to fill up everyone's hand for a coup de grace. Bribery is just cool, and since my creature count is kind of low I thought I'd throw it in. You know, for fun and profit.
Still sitting at +4 cards. The first two choices were pretty simple, actually. I took out the singleton Bribery because I've started building EDH decks, and a single Bribery sounds just right for EDH. Prosperity is the next to go, because it just doesn't really do enough. I'm pretty sure it's a holdover from a time when I was still short one of the mass draw spells. That and to maximize its card drawing potential, I need to use up enough mana to not be able to cast one of the mass discard spells and actually capitalize on my opponents' full hands. The Well of Knowledge is something similar, as it just doesn't do enough on its own to warrant taking up a space in the deck. And since it's totally dependent on my opponents' willingness to pay to draw cards, it is entirely possible that it'll just sit there and do nothing. So out it comes. Hey, we're down to +1 card! This one was both really tough, and stupidly easy. I could have gone with the Debtor's Knell or the Myojin, since they cost a million. I could have taken out the singleton Words of Waste or Nihilith. I don't even have the Geth's Grimiore to go with the Words anymore (but that's because I tried to stop being that guy), so it's not like it's living up to its full potential, but it's still good enough by itself to leave in for now. I almost tried taking out the Howling Mines, but then I remembered that they tend to take the heat off of me in the early game. Instead, I decided to take out the Memory Jar. Why you ask? Because even though I am a bit of a jerk, I'm a complete ass. The Memory Jar is just wrong. Sure it basically does the same thing as Windfall or Ill-Gotten Gains, but it's going to knock out 7 cards almost every time for almost every player. There's a reason it's as infamous as it is, you know? I left in the Magus of the Jar because at least then they have a have a turn to either kill him off or prepare for the worst. Sometimes being civil is more important than winning, you know? Here's the full list of changes, in case you want it in an easily digestable format: +3 Creeping Tar Pit
The Mountains of Madness Creatures (19) Noncreatures (19)
Hope you enjoyed taking this look at my process. As always, any and all feedback, positive or negative, is welcome. Since I'll probably be doing a lot of these, please let me know what you liked and didn't like. You can comment right here or roll over to our forums at http://cardshark.freeforums.org. Thanks for reading and uh, go play some Magic!
Category:60 Card Challenge
-- posted at: 10:37am EST
Wed, 7 July 2010
Direct download: Episode_136_-_M11_and_Guest_of_Many_Podcasts.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:12pm EST |
Thu, 1 July 2010
Noncreatures (10)
Category:60 Card Challenge
-- posted at: 12:44pm EST
Wed, 30 June 2010
NOTE: THIS EPISODE (AND THUS THE DISCUSSION ABOUT POSSIBLE CHANGES TO DEATHTOUCH) WAS RECORDED WAY BEFORE WIZARDS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THANK YOU, THE MANAGEMENT Eric of Many Names is back with us again, adding fuel to the various and sundry fires. Speaking of fires, after a somewhat brief rant to clear out my system, we start this episode off right by looking at the new Extended format and the Banned and Restricted list changes. What do you guys think about it? We already know what one person thinks! We have a recorded message from Tosus detailing some of his thoughts on this as well as Archenemy. Note the fireworks going off behind him...you know, because it's funny. Holy crap I hate spiders. There's also some listener mail, the next Premium Deck Series announcement (Fire & Lightning - http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/477) and of course we have to take a look at some of the one million M11 cards that have already been shown (http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/magic2011/spoiler). There's an interesting discussion about some possible changes to Deathtouch, stemming from the new reminder text on Greater Basilisk. Of course, now we know all about what the changes are, but this entire discourse came about because Mike saw the new reminder text and tried to figure out why they would change it to that specifically. It's an excellent look at why Mike is our rules guy. Hope you enjoy! Star Wars Soundboards can be found here: http://www.starwars.com/games/playnow/soundboards/#/?theme=01 Intro Music - Diamond by Swift: http://www.swift-band.com Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-135-double-standard-m11-and-spiders-t544.html Check out our archive at http://themanapool.libsyn.com Email us at themanapool@cardshark.com Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/themanapool Visit Cardshark! http://www.cardshark.com Cardshark Member Promotions: http://www.cardshark.com/member_promotions.asp Subscribe to our RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/themanapool
Direct download: Episode_135_-_Double_Standard_M11_and_Spiders.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:47pm EST |