Sun, 26 May 2019
Modern Horizons previews have begun! This set is like another version of Time Spiral, with old keywords and references to all kinds of old Magic things. So the dorks are going through as many of the previewed cards as we can! Also, Mike may or may not be getting mauled by a bear during the show. No one knows for sure. All hail Queen Ayula! Modern Horizons Card Image Gallery -
Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions |
Sun, 12 May 2019
It's time for another Flavor Fight! This time the contestants are mustard, mayo, honey, and...wait, what? NO! Okay, now that THAT'S out of the way, let's actually do another Flavor Fight! As you might have been able to tell from the title and/or thumbnail, we're doing a Planeswalker Flavor Fight! But also because I'm pretty sick of hearing about the 37 planeswalkers that got cards in War of the Spark, we're limiting our contestants to ones that A) had no card in War and 2) we know more than two lines' worth of information about. Sorry to all you Will & Rowan Kenrith fans out there - both of you.
Come join us in the future! The show is live on Thursdays around 8pm(ish) Eastern time on Twitch! Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_552_-_Flavor_Fight_Planeswalker_Edition.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST |