Thu, 28 April 2011
This is one crazy episode we've got here for you, folks! New Phyrexia has been completely spoiled, and we decided to have fun with it this time. To that end, everything in this episode is a look at the new set, no exceptions (except for all the tangents, of course). I mean it, we had no other topics this time around, nothing else we wanted to talk about, not even listener mail! New Phyrexia is serious business, much like the internet.
Direct download: Episode_176_-_Bludgeon_Brawl_at_Lightning_Helix_Camp.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:24pm EDT |
Thu, 21 April 2011
We are living in an age of villains. In case you haven't noticed, the bad guys are winning. The Eldrazi are free. Nicol Bolas is still scheming. And now, the Phyrexians have taken over the plane formerly known as Mirrodin. During these dark times, who do we turn to for hope? The planeswalkers? Bah. Since this new breed of 'walkers came to light, the heroes haven't had much in the way of victory. Dark times indeed.
Direct download: Episode_175_-_Heroes_of_Mike_and_Magic.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT |
Thu, 14 April 2011
Welcome to a very special episode of The Mana Pool, featuring a brand new guest host - Ralph the Guest Hosting Cricket! He's a new addition to the show, and hopefully he'll be EATEN BY A F@#$ING GECKO soon. Other than that, we've got a whole host of fun stuff to go over. Intro Music - Diamond by Swift -
Direct download: Episode_174_-_Streets_of_Double_Ransom_Championship_Edition_HD.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:54pm EDT |
Fri, 8 April 2011
Just so everyone is aware, we started off this episode short one Brian. We spend the first half of the show going over our neglected listener emails, which we've been skipping over for the last several episodes. Guess who answered the most rules questions that were emailed to us? Bet you guessed wrong!
Direct download: Episode_173_-_Phyrexian_Ramblings_and_Mail_Call.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm EDT |
Fri, 1 April 2011
Hey, welcome back! As you can tell, this is another episode where we play out a game of Magic for all to hear. Well, we're all on our separate computers, but we're still playing, just for all you listeners out there! Bear with us, it's our first time playing with the new M11 rules, since we didn't want to switch in the middle of a campaign, you know?
Direct download: Episode_172_-_Adventures_on_Zendikar_Live.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00am EDT |