Sun, 23 February 2014
On this episode, the dorks cover a few more bits of news. Last week we missed that some of the Conspiracy cards are going to not be legal in Vintage and Legacy, which sparks some discussion about why that could be. Hasbro is loving the Magic, because it's making them lots of money. Not only that, but they're gonna be making some Pop! vinyl figures and actual action figures of your favorite planeswalkers...and Nissa. For links to all of this, just look down a bit. But the meat of the episode comes from an idea from our old buddy JT. A very old idea. We're going to prepare you to move from the kitchen table to the tournament scene. We're not talking about cards or formats (at least not much), we're primarily talking about mental preparations. Because we're trying to cover everything it might sound a little intimidating, but it's really not. It's really hard to sum up all the different aspects we talked about on this episode, so you're just going to have to listen. It comes down to this: if you've been thinking about going to any sort of tournament, be it a prerelease, FNM, or a GP...then GO! Give it a shot, it'll be fine. Just listen to us first.
Hasbro announces Magic up 20% - This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_313_-_From_Kitchen_to_Tourney.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38pm EST |
Sun, 16 February 2014
Warning: Chewie is sick. So he sounds a little different than usual, and he's muted a lot. The dorks bring lots of news this week! Since the last episode was a live one, we've got two weeks' worth of stuff to talk about! They revealed an Event Deck, announced a new From the Vault, and teased us with a bizarre coded webpage. Luckily, people much more motivated than us went ahead and decoded it, so we told you all about it. Of course by now the official decoded page is up, but that's to be expected, right? So once we finished up the news, the discussion on Vigenère ciphers, and a new Penny Arcade comic, we actually had stuff to talk about! Mike attended a Sealed tournament last weekend, so he's gotta tell you how he did there. Brian's working on a Standard Jund deck to take to an SCG Invitational Qualifier, so he's gonna tell us all about that. It sounds pretty sweet though, I must say. Links for all that stuff are below!
Born of the Gods Event Deck:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_312_-_Vigenere_Ciphers_and_Standard_Jund.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EST |
Tue, 11 February 2014
It's the Born of the Gods Prerelease, so you know what that means! We took the recorder with us and recorded a bunch of stuff that happened! Listen as Chewie, Mike, and Brian let you know what happened after (almost) each round! We're joined by lots of guests, including our old friend Gabe! He's the one that taught Mike how to play a thousand years ago! There are also appearances from listeners and opponents like Sam, Craig, Chris, Pete, and Nate! If anyone got missed, we apologize wholeheartedly. Also, this one has something special included. For a long time now people have been asking for recordings of an actual Prerelease game. To show you all what a bad idea this is, Chewie recorded his 5th round against Jacob. It's completely unedited, so you guys get the full effect. Let us know how much that's not a good idea to do in the future!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_311_-_BotG_Prerelease_Field_Recordings.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:07am EST |
Wed, 5 February 2014
In case you couldn't tell from the amazing title, the dorks are joined this week by our favorite Level 2 judge and Monday Night Magic cohost, Cluze! I can say that because Prillaman is a Level 3 now. Dr. Science comes on to help us take a look at the full Born of the Gods set before the prerelease. Yes I know it's after the prerelease now, but give me a break here. There's not much else to say, so everyone give it a listen and enjoy! Follow Cluze on Twitter: @lacluyze Born of the Gods Card Image Gallery: Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – |