Sun, 30 December 2012
Chewie got a 2013 Holiday Card! That's the good news. The bad news is that Brian was having technical difficulties, causing some serious feedback problems. The majority of them were edited out, so just trust us that they were absolutely worse than you can hear. There is also another of Brian's on-theme Magic Mad Libs. Yay Mad Libs! But this episode is more than problems and a Mad Lib. This one is another of those free-form rambling discussions with no real point or purpose other than to entertain our thousands of listeners across the globe! least the American ones, in this case. Roughly a year ago, we did Episode 205 - Would Solid Snake Have Shroud? It was jolly good fun, so Brian thought we should do it again. But instead of looking at video games through the lens of Magic cards, this time we're doing television shows! Shows we enjoy, shows we've seen, or just shows we think might work well with Magic. If you have any ideas or suggestions for shows, then hit the forums or leave a comment on the site. Hope you enjoy! Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 16 December 2012
Man, this episode is all over the place. We have a Cardshark promotion to tell you about, first and foremost. If you want a shot at winning the five best planeswalkers in Standard, you should definitely pay attention. Here's the link, in case you can't pay attention:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Tue, 11 December 2012
We are joined this week by Calvin Russell, also known as Captain Red Zone, from the Off Color Cast. If you've ever listened to that show, you'll know that he has a tendency to sort of run off at the mouth and end up talking to himself, which is perfect for our show! We initially brought him on to talk about battle strategies or something, and he first. It was thoroughly entertaining though, so we hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did. That's not all though! Before we cut Calvin loose, we had a lot to do. Chewie spoke for a bit about Grand Prix Charleston, because believe it or not this is the first time we've recorded since then! Incidentally, have you heard about playing Magic with The Stack? It's pretty freakin' great. There's a bit of news, with Duels 2013 getting a new deck pack featuring Orzhov and Gruul decks. Also, there's a recent rash of card shop robberies in central California. If you're out that way, beware. Oh we're not done yet! Brian had a very special (and ESPECIALLY HILARIOUS) Christmas-themed Magic Mad Lib. Seriously, this one was great. Not just because of the Mad Lib itself, but because of the circumstances surrounding it. I mean damn. And if you manage to make it all the way to the end, you can hear Chewie being not gracious at all as he thanks a few listeners for their generosity as well as Dirk complaining about his students. That last part is pretty funny. I'm just sayin'. Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Mon, 3 December 2012
Hey look, another live episode already! Yeah, it turns out that the week after the week we took off due to Thanksgiving, Brian decided to go to Disney World and forget to remind us. We determined that he was missing...about an hour or so before starting. Since having Brian around was pretty essential for the topic we had in mind, we panicked. Thus, I bring you the live episode we recorded just last month! Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |