Sun, 26 February 2017
Not sure why we're talking about television shows at the beginning. We're just weird. We begin the actual show by thinking about some things that may or may not (and also almost certainly won't) be in Modern Masters 2017. It turns out Dirk might be a terrible person. My money was on me or Mike. Oh well. After that it's off to a Mythic Conscription for Darksteel! Could it be that none of the colored cards are mythic? And just all the artifacts? Maybe, I dunno. There are some pretty good discussions about cards with weird abilities, excessive power levels, and misery. Mispronunciations may or may not be a thing in this episode too.
Support us on Patreon! – Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Wanna send us something? Let us know first, then ship it to: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions |
Sun, 19 February 2017
This episode begins with an extremely quick Sam Quiz followed by another user-submitted Magic Mad Lib from lvl99luck. Little did he know that it would play into our episode's theme! We didn't know that either! It's an amazing coincidence! Buy lottery tickets now! After the awesome Mad Lib we're doing a neat twist on the Story Circle! This time we're randomly picking two legends with Partner and building a deck around the pair we come up with! It's really neat to have two different ideas to build around. Let us know what you think and we'll see if this is a thing we want to do again sometime! Somehow at the end we ended up going off on a tangent about Batman: The Animated Series. Then we had another tangent about Overwatch that, oddly enough, was Dirk's fault, not Chewie's. How about that?
Support us on Patreon! – Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Wanna send us something? Let us know first, then ship it to: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions |
Sun, 12 February 2017
It's time for a new episode of The Mana Pool! We've got a brand new Magic Mad Lib, except this one was written by Chewie for the first time ever! Be afraid, it's based on some of his recent experiences. After that we're doing a Mythic Conscription of the first modern artifact-centric set, Mirrodin! This set is a little weird. So many of the rares are super lame and could never be Mythic...and then you get to the artifacts. Who'd have thought the artifacts in the artifact set would be massively overpowered?
Support us on Patreon! – Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Wanna send us something? Let us know first, then ship it to: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_451_-_Someone_To_Midnight_Ritual_With.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Sat, 4 February 2017
It is time! Karim, Alaric, and The Angel are back to track down the mysteries of Trivester! Not because we want to, but because we can't freakin' leave the plane and we'd really rather be somewhere else. Plus apparently the dice have decided that we're going to have a nice easy time of it, and that is bothering Brian, our Game Master. Apparently he wanted us to suffer a bit more. In case you're completely lost, Brian created this MTG RPG and we periodically play it on the show. If you'd like to hear the previous installments, here are some links to get you caught up!
Part 1 -
Support us on Patreon! – Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Wanna send us something? Let us know first, then ship it to: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_450_-_We_Have_Returned_MTG_RPG.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00pm EST |