Mon, 29 April 2013
Bill Bloodworth (@SqueeGoblnNabob) joins us again this week, this time in lieu of our usual green man, Dirk. The new baby caught up with him and he wasn't able to join us. The first part of the show is a look at the entire set of...oh wait, no. It's the Banned & Restricted list update, followed by a look at the the full Dragon's... Nope, not yet, then it's the Commander Banned list update. Sigh. After that, we move right into the Maze...oh. The maze of grief that the passing of Quinton Hoover left us in. That's really a shame, because his art really helped shape the early look of the game. But then, after all that and probably some other stuff, we move right into the Dragon's Maze. The full set is now available, so we're gonna run through the high points. It turns out the high points are damn near every card we didn't mention yet...sorry about that. This episode runs a little longer than we meant it to. Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Tue, 23 April 2013
We've got a full cast plus one this week, as Bill Bloodworth (@SqueeGoblnNabob) joins us to talk spoilers. You know, because we always bring Bill on to talk spoilers. I bet we bring him back next week too.'s just Dragon's Maze pretty much the whole time. So there's really nothing else to say here. We didn't even do final thoughts because we went so long! And that's pretty much it. I mean, there were a lot of spoilers. Like a whole lot. But yeah, we're done here. Stop reading. No really, go away. This episode’s post: |
Tue, 16 April 2013
Hey look, Dirk's back! He successfully populated, so now he has two little token dudes at home! Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_275_-_A_Small_Handful_of_Dragons_Maze.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:20am EST |
Mon, 8 April 2013
We are joined this week by none other than Adam Styborski! He's @the_stybs on Twitter. For those of you that don't know...what rock have you been living under? He's the (former) writer for Serious Fun on DailyMTG, the current writer of the brand new Commander column Command Tower on DailyMTG, he's on the text coverage team for Wizards, and he's all about some Pauper Cube. Oh yeah, he's the Content Manager for GatheringMagic too. Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_274_-_News_with_Stybs_and_His_Lawyers.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38pm EST |
Mon, 1 April 2013
We are eschewing the usual April Fool's nonsense this year here on The Mana Pool. Yes I know you guys look forward to it every year (except perhaps Shred Memory) but it really gets harder and harder to come up with new original ideas. So this time, instead of doing something weird (er than usual) we decided to just have a hell of a good episode! Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_273_-_Great_Big_Guest_Star_Episode.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:13am EST |