Sun, 28 March 2010
Hey look, another episode of us playing Magic live and in person! There's not much to say really, so here's a quick rundown. The four of us got together for another reason, but we couldn't skip playing Magic and recording it for our beloved listeners. So we broke out the microphone, the laptop, and the something soft to put the mic on and went to town.
Mike did the work putting this episode together, but he didn't write any show notes, so I'm not sure how many games we played this time. I think it was two. One ended up as a 3-on-1 struggle, and I'm not entirely clear on what happened in the second one. I guess we'll find out together. Hope you enjoy!
Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: Intro by Tosus, host of Der Geek: Intro music - Diamond by Swift:
Direct download: Episode_122_-_Multiplayer_Mayhem_Live_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:43am EST |
Mon, 22 March 2010
Hello again, boys, girls, and other various creatures of the multiverse! This is Brian, bringing you a quick overview of tonight's (today's? yesterday's?) show.
The first thing you will notice is that we have an extra voice with us. No, not Dirk, although Dirk has gone from being a common host to an uncommon host lately. Maybe he'll have a higher toughness for the same cost now. No, we were honored to be joined by the great Eric of Many Names for this episode. He shares his insights with us on topics big and small. Those of you who listen to the Mr. Suitcase or Monday Night Magic podcasts are probably already fans, and those of you who have never heard the mellifluous sound of his voice are in for a treat.
Arm-in-arm, we conquer a number of subjects on this episode. We respond to listener emails, including a challenge to Dirk's green superiority (self-proclaimed). We do another Magic Mad Lib, this time with considerably more clarity on my own part. Finally, three hours in, we approach the subject of multiplayer formats. Of course, there are almost as many variations on playing as there are players, but we tried to hit the highlights and give our impressions where we have tried out a format in the past. Listeners, PLEASE hit the forums for this episode! What are your favorite multiplayer formats? Did you agree with our impressions? Did we skip your favorite format ever? Let us know!
That's pretty much it. No huge, life-changing announcements this time, but more multiplayer content than you can shake a Wand of Ith at. All brought to you by the lovely people at Go listen!
Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: Intro music - Diamond by Swift: Break music - Swell Guy by Swift |
Mon, 15 March 2010
Before you get too excited, there's lots of stuff to go through before the big topic. We've got an announcement about Cardshark and a new site design. And there's the March Member Promotions while we're on the topic of Cardshark. Then we crack open a pack of Zendikar and a pack of Worldwake and discuss what we've got. Remember Mad Libs? We've got a Mad Magic Lib for you. Let us know what you think of that, we might have another one soon. Okay okay, enough screwing around. Wizards has given us access to the pooled spoilers for Rise of the Eldrazi! This includes 6 cards as well as a whole mess of artwork, which you'll find on our Facebook group. There is LOTS of discussion, both in-depth and not, about all of these things. So why are you still reading this? Give it a listen!
Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: Intro music - Diamond by Swift:
Direct download: Episode_120_-_Rise_of_the_Eldrazi_Spoilers.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:26am EST |
Wed, 10 March 2010
Chewie here, and this is an episode quite unlike most of our others. Mike and Brian went to the Star City Games 5K tournament in Richmond, and this episode is all about their experiences. They both did Saturday (Standard) while Mike tackled Sunday as well (Legacy). Hear all about how they did and what they thought in this very episode!
And while we're on the subject of tournament Magic, let's discuss a little bit of tournament etiquette, shall we? It all boils down to a very simple idea - don't be a jerk! But you know we're going to flesh it out just a little bit more than that, so take a listen to our mental meanderings on the topic.
Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: Intro music - Diamond by Swift: Break music from the Battlefield 1942 Loading Music by Joel Eriksson:
Direct download: Episode_119_-_SCG_5K_Richmond_Highlights.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:25pm EST |
Thu, 4 March 2010
Is that some Duel Decks? We've got the decklists for the new Phyrexia vs. the Coalition Duel Decks, which we went over with great excitement. You don't get to hear that though. You get to hear the second take, due to some technical difficulties. Don't worry though, we made it sound just as good as the first.
Because of those tech problems we recorded the second half of the show the next night, which might explain why Dirk disappeared and we all sound different. But the topic for the second day of this recording marathon is devoted to the mightiest of the two-person draft formats, the Winston Draft. Created by Richard Garfield himself, it's a great way to get some Limited play in without gathering lots of people or driving to the card shop. We go over all the ins and outs and give some strategic insights, all included right here in this handy podcast.
Original article that introduced the Winston: Chewie's first Winston walkthrough with Time Spiral: Chewie's second Winston walkthrough with Lorwyn
Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: Intro music - Diamond by Swift: Break music from Trogdor by Strong Bad:
Direct download: Episode_118_-_Duel_Decks_vs_The_Winston_Draft.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:45pm EST |