Tue, 30 August 2011
Holy crap, a live episode? Is this why there's no Innistrad episode yet? I think it must be! Dirk, Mike, and Chewie gathered together to play some Magic, and so of course we recorded some of it for you. Because we love you guys. No really. You think we get together and have to put up with each other in person because we like each other or enjoy playing this game? Nope, it's just to give our listeners something different to listen to, that's it!
Direct download: Episode_194_-_Cleverly_Titled_Live_Episode_Live.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:01pm EST |
Wed, 24 August 2011
This episode is all about recapping the events of the Star City Games Open Series that took place in Richmond just a couple weekends ago. Do you want to know what the dorks were playing? What led Mike on his winning, then losing, then winning tear? What's up with Brian's odd silence on the matter? And what the hell was Chewie doing the whole time, since he certainly wasn't playing? All this and more will be covered right here in this very episode! |
Mon, 15 August 2011
Holy crap it's the Mana Pool! Because you asked for it (well, at least a couple of you asked for it) this is an Out of the Deck Box episode! We're taking a look at Mike's mono-white Wrath of Emeria deck in all its world-destroying glory. Then Dirk cries havoc! and lets slip the Slivers of war. Brian is up next with his Grixis-colored Phyrexia-aligned Rage Extractor deck, which made its first appearance at our last gathering. I bring up the rear with a look at my Progenitus Commander deck, with a name that I blatantly stole from Claire, formerly of the Avant-Card Show.
Direct download: Episode_192_-_Completely_Out_of_the_Deck_Box.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32pm EST |
Tue, 9 August 2011
We are joined this week by the highly entertaining Bigheadjoe of Yo! MTG Taps and formerly of SCG Live. He fits right in as one of the dorks, and I think you'll enjoy having him on to take Mike's place this episode. Hold out until the end to hear an announcement from Joe about his new wrestling podcast.
Direct download: Episode_191_-_Bigheadjoe_and_the_Mechanics.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:33am EST |
Thu, 4 August 2011
Before recording this episode, I put out a call for some topics that we could talk about that required no preparation ahead of time, and boy did you guys come through! We got a whole massive list of stuff to talk about. After we covered the Innistrad news from the San Diego Comic Con, of course. Don't let's be silly. Mark Rosewater tweeted a recap of the information that was revealed, and I gathered up all those tweets so we could then share them with all of you listeners out there.
Direct download: Episode_190_-_Quick_Hits_Well_For_Us_Anyway.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:08am EST |