Sat, 28 October 2023
The dorks are taking a page from MNM this week and covering a variety of Magic topics. Marvel throwing its hat into the Universes Beyond ring, the first Fallout cards, Lost Caverns of Ixalan's mechanics, and WotC's latest way to jack up the prices are all in our sights, so be sure to let us know what you think about any or all of it! Marvel announcement:
Come join us in the future! The show is live on Thursdays around 8pm(ish) Eastern time on Twitch Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_688_-_Fallout_Ixalan__Play_Boosters.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Tue, 17 October 2023
They say there's No Plane Like Home (well, we do) but what about the one known as the Homelands? That's right, we're taking a look at Ulgrotha, that place where Baron Sengir hangs out! It's a plane that hasn't been thought about in a VERY long time except for a few fan service mentions in a Commander set and a (very) small bit in the New Phyrexian Invasion. We'll take a look at the place and see what we think about moving in. And then we'll finally Brian's Magic Mad Lib that has been burning a hole in his pocket since he wrote it. Yay! Come join us in the future! The show is live on Thursdays around 8pm(ish) Eastern time on Twitch Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_687_-_Would_You_Call_the_Homelands_Home.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Tue, 10 October 2023
The dorks get together to chat about assorted nonsense! This time around we're talking about a lot of stuff that almost certainly won't age well, but that's okay. Here's what's on the docket: Donald Trump is a terrible defendant
Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: A_Smattering_of_Current_Events_-_Dorks_Just_Chatting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EST |