Mon, 12 October 2020
The dorks are back! And this time we're doing a Mythic Conscription for the final set of the Invasion block, Apocalypse. Apocalypse was a neat set full of all kinds of awesome cards, but how many of them could have been mythic? Weirdly enough, this is one of the hardest sets we've had to do just because so many of these cards are really good and solid rares, but not many seem to climb up into Mythic territory. Stick around for the final thoughts, where we have black hole questions, Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy 8, Kingdom Hearts, Among Us, the upcoming hiatus of Monday Night Magic, and the Dresden Files TV show.
Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! – This episode’s post: Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift – Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_603_-_The_Borderline_Mythics_of_Apocalypse.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am EST |