Thu, 30 July 2009
On this episode, we have even more
Magic 2010! Don't worry, next week we're gonna ease up off the M10
for a while. But we had to stay with it this time, because there's a
Launch discussion to be had! Brian and I attended, along with
Jonathan and Logan. It was Logan's first tournament, so we asked him
to join us on this episode, not only to tell us how he did, but to
give us his perspective on the whole tournament thing. |
Mon, 20 July 2009
Wow, we've made it up to 90. You
believe that? To celebrate this auspicious occasion (not really) we
have a whole mess of episode for you. After a somber intro, where we
dedicate this episode to a friend who is no longer with us, we go
into further detail about the new Duel Decks Contest here on The Mana
Pool. You can find the official forum announcement for the contest
Direct download: Episode_90_-_Instructions_on_Not_Attacking_Dirk_Multiplayer_Combat.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:31pm EST |
Fri, 10 July 2009
This is truly a momentous occasion! Not only do we have all four of the hosts of The Mana Pool present for this recording, but we also have everyone's favorite guy with a bullseye painted on him, AJ! We also have Mrs. Kill AJ and The Hot One helping out for a moment in the intro. You heard it, girls on The Mana Pool! Even if it was just for a second.
Right then. Previews! We've got another full load of M10 previews for you on this episode. We have everything from spiders whose art actually wasn't changed to legless angels to angels wearing pasties to the white Shock. You'll hear us rant and drone on and on about the minutiae of each card, as well as the usual nonsensical conversating that you know and love. Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Send me an article at Cardshark located at Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS Feed: |
Wed, 8 July 2009
Chewie here. On this episode you've got me, Brian, and Mike going over a whole crapload of Magic 2010 previews. There's really not much else to say about this particular episode, you know? It's a preview episode, after all. Although we do go over quite a few of the old Lords, so it's like a bit of a history lesson too.
There are, however, a few interesting questions to be answered in here. Like will the Ant Queen get to finish her smoothie? And what's up with that guy with the antlers, the cape, and the ZZ Top beard? What's more terrifying that Jet Li coming at you with a boot to the skull? And what's up with the lion turning into a soldier, and the insect into a vampire? Listen in to find out... Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Send me an article at Cardshark located at Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS Feed: |
Fri, 3 July 2009
Brian here, yet again. This episode sees the cast of The Mana Pool, with the long-awaited return of Dirk, finally getting to a subject we’ve been approaching for weeks: multiplayer combat! Hold on to your hardhats, because here we...uh...wait. Our plans, apparently more fragile than a Faberge Egg, have been broken in half by the launch of the Magic 2010 page on the main Magic website, complete with visual spoiler. Yay for previews!
The episode kicks off with a shout-out to the new members on the forums and to the Facebook group. Welcome all. Then, we go into some responses on the forums to our last few episodes. Feedback is always appreciated and actually does help us when we record the shows. Disagree with us about a point we make, think that Dirk is the funniest man alive, or catch us on a blatant error? Head to the forums! We then follow up on some reactions to the Magic 2010 rules changes, including Dirk’s first impressions, and the results of the first games Chewie and I have played under the new rules. Chewie and Dirk have also been playing Duels of the Planeswalkers recently and briefly share their experiences. After that, it’s on to Magic 2010 previews! Join us as we walk down a sort of memory lane with standbys like Serra Angel (now Uncommon!), Clone, and Birds of Paradise. We’ll also see old faces seeing new life like Black Knight (aww yeah), Ball Lightning, and Lightning Bolt (the one and only). Finally, since Magic 2010 is the first Core Set since Beta with new cards in it, we have new favorites like Child of Night, new duel lands, and Ant Queen. Do your exterminators have captains? They better. Finally, we’ve got some news. I’d tell you what it is, but you need to listen to find out. No cutting in line! All I’ll say is, oh wait, you have to listen! Ha. Finally finally, we quickly hit the recent Banned/Restricted List announcements and Magic shoes. Not magic shoes (Like Mike), Magic Shoes. They are NOT guaranteed to make you into a basketball legend. Thanks for listening to The Mana Pool as always, and get ready for some goodness in Magic 2010. LIGHTNING BOLT! Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Send me an article at Cardshark located at Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS Feed: |