Fri, 3 July 2009
The episode kicks off with a shout-out to the new members on the forums and to the Facebook group. Welcome all. Then, we go into some responses on the forums to our last few episodes. Feedback is always appreciated and actually does help us when we record the shows. Disagree with us about a point we make, think that Dirk is the funniest man alive, or catch us on a blatant error? Head to the forums! We then follow up on some reactions to the Magic 2010 rules changes, including Dirk’s first impressions, and the results of the first games Chewie and I have played under the new rules. Chewie and Dirk have also been playing Duels of the Planeswalkers recently and briefly share their experiences. After that, it’s on to Magic 2010 previews! Join us as we walk down a sort of memory lane with standbys like Serra Angel (now Uncommon!), Clone, and Birds of Paradise. We’ll also see old faces seeing new life like Black Knight (aww yeah), Ball Lightning, and Lightning Bolt (the one and only). Finally, since Magic 2010 is the first Core Set since Beta with new cards in it, we have new favorites like Child of Night, new duel lands, and Ant Queen. Do your exterminators have captains? They better. Finally, we’ve got some news. I’d tell you what it is, but you need to listen to find out. No cutting in line! All I’ll say is, oh wait, you have to listen! Ha. Finally finally, we quickly hit the recent Banned/Restricted List announcements and Magic shoes. Not magic shoes (Like Mike), Magic Shoes. They are NOT guaranteed to make you into a basketball legend. Thanks for listening to The Mana Pool as always, and get ready for some goodness in Magic 2010. LIGHTNING BOLT! Forum thread for this episode: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Send me an article at Cardshark located at Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS Feed: |