Sun, 29 April 2012
This episode, there's not much going on other than the full reveal of Avacyn Restored. So we go through each color, pointing stuff out. Powerful cards, awesome (or gross) art, cards we can't wait to play with, stuff that we think is utter crap. You know the drill. Everyone's doing it this time of year. But we do it with our own dorky style! There's actually not much else to talk about on this one, so I'll leave you with a link to the full set so you can check it out yourself. Avacyn Restored Card Image Gallery
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_227_-_All_the_AVR_All_the_Time.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:07pm EST |
Sun, 22 April 2012
We're not even screwing around this episode, as we dive right into the Avacyn Restored previews. Of course by now everyone has heard about the Soratami planeswalker that we speculated about at the end of the last episode. A mere 2 hours later she was revealed in her entirety. Then they threw a dapper devil dude at us! Of course we covered both of those, along with everything else that had been previewed by the time we recorded! Good stuff, man.
Direct download: Episode_226_-_Avacyn_Restored_and_Poetry.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:51pm EST |
Sun, 15 April 2012
We're joined this episode by Bill, the voice of Squee, who haven't heard from in a good while. We kick it off with a quick rules correction from last episode - Mike missed one small detail on the question about the single spell with Cascade, Storm, and Ripple. Imagine that, something got missed in the most complicated spell ever. No one is allowed to give Mike any crap about that one. All the others are fair game as usual though.
Direct download: Episode_225_-_Avacyn_Restored_Previews_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:50pm EST |
Mon, 9 April 2012
We begin this episode with a discussion of Avacyn, the first reveal from Avacyn Restored, and boy is she something! From there we move into the double-faced tokens that were given away at FNM (sorry about the delay) and the fansite toolkit available from Wizards, featuring some nifty images for you to use whether you have a site or not. Also, a big shoutout to Jeffrey Lombaro, who is @MuttZippy on Twitter, for buying us all lunch the last time we all got together to play Magic! He's a sweetheart of a guy and he's doing giveaways and stuff on Twitter, so go follow him! Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_224_-_Plants_and_Other_Things.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:48pm EST |
Sat, 31 March 2012
![]() For episode 223, the dorks gathered to discuss the Avacyn Restored trailer. After rambling on that for a while, we indulged the self-proclaimed Vorthos King and set some time aside to discuss the art and flavor of Venser vs Koth. We closed out the opener (does that even work?) with a Mad Lib about the new "Dark Romance" genre of teenage fiction.
Direct download: Episode_223_-_Seismic_Counter_Bash_Pro_Head-to-Head_Off-Road_Haymaker_Smackdown_Gaiden_64_Game_of_the_Year_Edition.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:15pm EST |