Sun, 24 September 2017
Preview season for Ixalan was a little weird due to the big leak. So even though the entire set has been revealed now, there's just...not much left to talk about. And since we were going to be missing Mike anyway, we decided to get a live episode out of the can! A few weeks ago the Dorks gathered at Brian's house to play some Magic! We played a game with the then-somewhat-newly-released Commander 2017 decks. We opened them just before starting the recording and shuffled up. Dirk was on Cats, Brian played Wizards, Mike was on Dragons, and Chewie was on Vampires. And yes, the length of this episode is accurate. It was an epic long game, but oddly enough there weren't any of those miserable chunks in the middle where nothing happens for anyone. Nice. Let us know what you think!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions |
Sun, 17 September 2017
This episode begins with super sexy Unstable lands. Then we bounce around Iconic Masters and try to figure out 1) what exactly is the point of this set? and B) why are there so many kitties in the art? After that it's back to Ixalan! There's still a lot awesome stuff here to talk about, including the new Vraska, terrors of the sky, and what weird monkey goblins put in cannons. Unstable Lands -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_479_-_Interesting_Cannon_Ammunition.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 10 September 2017
We recorded this the same day as the MTG Arena reveal, so the first part of the episode revolves around that. How we feel about what we've seen, expectations, hopes & dreams, that sort of thing. From there it's time to dive into more Ixalan! There's the new Cradle, the old dinosaurs, the promos, and of course, the Card Image Gallery! This set is a crazy mishmash of lots of things that nerds love...and also Merfolk. MTG Arena write-up -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_478_-_Arena_and_Paleontology.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 3 September 2017
Yarrr, it be a Sam Quiz, then story time! After that it's time to talk Ixalan! There are feathered dinosaurs, pirates with their treasure, beautifully colored merfolk, and religious fanatic vampires. This set is gonna be AWESOME! We also get to look at the new Jace and the new (lack of) Planeswalker Uniqueness Rule. After that we dive into a bunch of the revealed cards and marvel at how much fun all the lady pirates seem to be having. Yarrr! Ixalan Mechanics -
Support us on Patreon! – Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_477_-_Feathers_Fangs_and_Treasure.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |