Thu, 25 December 2014
This week we're finishing up our series about the clans of Tarkir with a look at the Mardu and the Temur. Again, we're looking at what each clan is trying to do mechanically and examining how the colors and guilds that make up each clan help or hinder that goal. If you haven't, I recommend you listen to the last two episodes to hear how we handled the other three clans. That's only part of the episode though! The final thoughts this time took on a life of their own. The discussions range from the new Ninja Turtles and Hobbit movies to Final Fantasy games throughout the years to some Hearthstone (of course), we covered a lot of ground in nerd culture. Happy winter-holiday-of-your-choice to all of you listening! We appreciate you guys being with us!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |
Sun, 21 December 2014
We begin this episode with another insanely adorable Sam Quiz. After that there's a bit of discussion about the recent tournament rules change regarding revealing Morph creatures. Then we return to last week's topic, taking on the Jeskai and Sultai clans. We're looking at how each clan's constituent colors/guilds and their abilities work towards the overall goal of the clan. And since the Jeskai and Sultai are so incredibly different, this episode was a lot of fun!
Morph tournament rule change:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_351_-_Not_A_Single_Ruth_Was_Given.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00am EDT |
Fri, 12 December 2014
Yeah, we didn't really care that this was a big milestone episode. It's like we've done six other 50-episode increments! We started off this episode with a bit of news, then go into one of Brian's Magic Mad Libs! This one was pretty funny, so we hope you guys enjoy. All the links for the news are down below! From there, we dove into the main topic of the episode. You know, once we finally all got on the same page during the musical break. We're taking a deep look at the Abzan clan (not tribe!) of Tarkir. More specifically, we're looking at how the colors (and guilds) that make up the Abzan work with the Outlast mechanic. This is a pretty good mental exercise that allows us to look at the fundamentals and see how all the pieces fit together, which is pretty nice.
Kenny McCormick invited to the Pro Tour - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_350_-_We_Ignored_the_Milestone.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00am EDT |
Sun, 7 December 2014
Happy Dorksgiving everyone! Before Thanksgiving, Brian invited us all over to his house to have a big meal and some Magic. He also invited our good friend (and Monday Night Magic cohost) Bill Bloodworth (Squee) to join us. During all that time, we wanted to do a new installment of our Commander Shenanigans series, which we do whenever a new Commander product is released. To keep it from becoming an extra-long monstrosity of an episode, and since there were five monocolored decks, we decided to play a game of Star. If you don't know what that is, don't worry - we explained it in the show. Since the Dorksgiving portion of the show was not an extra-long monstrosity, it just didn't feel right. So we decided to put one of our Kickstarter backer rewards on here too! Two people took the "Send us a decklist and we'll play it" reward tier - Michael Serrahn and Rachel Franzen. Michael sent in a mono-white Avacyn, Angel of Hope equipment-based deck, and Rachel submitted her "hippy-dippy Trostani EDH deck". So Mike came over to Chewie's house and after a VERY long setup time (holy crap), we knocked out a few games as promised!
Follow Bill @SqueeGoblnNabob Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_349_-_Dorksgiving_Commander_Shenanigans.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT |